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recommended resources

obsessive compulsive disorder


The ACT Workbook for OCD

By Marissa T. Mazza

This workbook shows you how to apply the ACT principles of mindfulness, acceptance, defusion, and values to help with OCD.

IOCDF Website 

The International OCD Foundation offers a wealth of accurate and up-to-date information about OCD and its treatment.

Podcast: All the Hard Things
By Jenna Overbough

Hosted by a therapist, this podcast offers practical advice for people struggling with anxiety and OCD.

NOCD Subtypes Blog

Read informative blog posts about the various OCD subtypes. 

FearCast Podcast
by Kevin Foss

Hosted by a therapist, this podcast offers a deep dive into the intricaces of OCD and practical tips to help.

App: Lift OCD 
A user-friendly tool for tracking your ERP exercises and progress.

eating disorders + body image


The Wisdom of Your Body
by Hillary McBride

This book explores how we become disconnected from our bodies and provides ideas for practicing embodiment.


Food Psych Podcast
by Christy Harrison

A Registered Dietitian shares how to challenge diet culture and make peace with food.


Beyond Beautiful 
by Anuschka Rees

A practical guide for building confidence and developing an attitude of body neutrality. 


Maintenance Phase Podcast
by Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon

An entertaining and informative podcast that debunks diet culture fads. 


The Intuitive Eating Workbook
by Tribole, Resch, and Tylka

A workbook focused on the intuitive eating principles that shows how to recognize and respond to your body's natural hunger and fullness cues.   

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The National Eating Disorder Information Centre offers accurate information and resources about eating disorders, as well as a helpline.

mental wellness


Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
by Dr. Julie Smith

A psychologist offers her best tips for maintaining good mental health in this easy-to-digest book. 


App: How We Feel
This user-friendly app helps you identify and track your emotions and learn from the trends that impact your emotional state.


The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook
by Kristin Neff and Chris Germer

This workbook shows you how to apply Mindful Self-Compassion in your daily life. 

App: iBreathe

A simple app that visually shows you
how to practice deep breathing. 

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I Thought It Was Just Me 
by Brene Brown

This book explores how our imperfections and vulnerabilities are what connect us to others. 

App: Am I? My Thought Journal

An app to help you complete CBT thought records on-the-go.

The Skillful Podcast
By The Bay Area DBT Center

Hosted by DBT therapists, this podcast discusses in-depth the DBT skills and how to use them to manage tough emotions.

App: MetaFi

Build your awareness of how your emotions show up in your body with this simple app.

ready to get started?

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304-684 Belmont Avenue
Kitchener, ON
N2M 1N6

Mon: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Tues: 9:00am - 5:00pm (in-person)
Wed: 3:00pm - 6:00pm 
Thurs: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm 

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